Every 2-4 years, without fail, the candidate’s on both sides of the aisle can agree on one thing, buy American. Unfortunately it’s just an empty slogan to them and they forget all about it shortly after the last ballot is cast. I find the hypocrisy of their patriotic slogans and flags printed on made in China hats and T-shirts the most infuriating.

To paraphrase a quote by Doc Holliday in one of my favorite movies the 1993 classic western Tombstone, “It appears their hypocrisy knows no bounds”. We need to hold our politicians accountable to their campaign promises and insist they lead by example by purchasing American made products now. While negative campaigning on both sides would lead you to believe that American manufacturing is dead, it just further goes to show how out of touch our leaders and wannabe leaders are. We are proud to announce another high quality American made line to our gallery. The floor samples are ordered and by January we will have a beautiful display of Charleston Forge! Visit the website www.charlestonforge.com and stop in our showroom to see the beautiful finish samples and catalogs.

Every piece of Charleston Forge is crafted by hand in their workshop in Boone North Carolina. Skilled artisans transform American steel and solid American hardwoods into true works of art for your home. Add custom glass from the Andrew Pearson Glassworks in Mount Airy N. C. for a truly unique look not found anywhere else. www.andrewpearsonglass.com
We are able to order you anything from the full line right now and look forward to the arrival of our sample pieces. Visit our showroom to learn more about Charleston Forge and all of our other high quality merchandise made in the USA! Remember to vote this November and vote for American manufacturing by purchasing products with 🇺🇸.
Keep America Working,
Greg Ebert